We are proud to offer the most comprehensive Surfing Lessons Lembongan has. Our Beginner lessons are for those of you that have just started surfing or who have never surfed before. We have a comprehensive 5 part program that will progress you through from taking your first wave up to being able to catch green waves on your own. With each lesson you get a lesson specific manual to keep, theory about the ocean that is related to surfing as well as a few skills to develop. All of our beginner lessons come with a surfboard, fins, leash as well as a rash guard.
Our prices are all inclusive, meaning the price you is the price you pay. Everything is included, the surfing equipment, lesson and rashguard. The only things you need to bring are a swimsuit, towel and sunscreen. Most surfers like to use zinc cream on their face to protect them from the sun. You can find this at any local surf shop if you would like to use this during your lesson.
The Intermediate 3 part program is for those of you that have moved up from the beginner level and are ready to start honing your skills in. You can choose to continue through the intermediate course using the soft top surfboards or you can move towards a fiberglass board. As well, many people will be buying their first surfboard at this time and are welcome to use that.
All of our Intermediate lessons come with everything you need for the day. This includes all your surfing equipment and as well a rashgaurd. Remember all you need to bring is a swimsuit, towel and sunscreen. As always we recommend using zinc cream for your face which can be purchased at any surf shop.
The advanced course is for those of you looking to bring your surfing to the next level. In this course we focus more on riding shortboards and funboards. We look at making more powerful bottom and top turns. This will set you up to perform high performance maneuvers and increase your surfing ability. You will learn how to do the "Cutback" and we also look at positioning for and how to ride barrels.
You will receive a rashgaurd and all equipment needed for the day with each advanced lesson. Most students already have a their own shortboard or funboard for this course, however, we can also provide a shortboard if need be. Don't forget your swimsuit, towel and sunscreen or zinc.
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